Physical Security in a Digital World
A Premium Investigation security guard on his phone to report what he sees
It feels like we hear about cybersecurity every day: a massive data breach involving thousands of people’s personal information, a ransomware attack at a local hospital, or even just the reminder to update your phone’s software to stop the latest virus. In today’s digital world, it feels like cybersecurity is the only thing that matters.
Smart businesses know that physical security remains just as important today, if not even more than before. Without a conscious effort to protect people and assets, companies can expose themselves to huge risks and potential losses.
The Human Factor
Which of these scenarios sound easy to accomplish?
Hacking into a database. You will need an understanding of computer code to start. Then you would have to figure out where exactly the database “lives” on the world wide web, and where and how it can be accessed. Once you identify these potential access points, you’ll have to go through each one until you find a point of vulnerability that gives you access to the database. Then start copying that database over the internet, hoping that you are not caught in the process.
Stealing a laptop that already has access, method 1. Sneak around the employee parking lot and find an employee’s car that was left unlocked. Steal the employee’s laptop. Install outside software that circumvents the password and copy the data.
Stealing a laptop that already has access, method 2. Pose as a new IT employee of the company. Make up a story of not getting the new credentials yet and see if a lax security guard will let you through. If you’re let in, go around until you find a laptop that will have what you need. Take it under the guise of “repairs.” Leave before anyone realizes you’re not who you say you are.
Even though the above scenarios are grossly oversimplified, the fact remains that it is easier to navigate around human security than cybersecurity. Indeed, a lot of attempts to get digital data start by trying to get in through the human factor.
A well-trained security guard would be able to prevent many of these situations. By following proper procedure and remaining diligent, no matter who is passing through their station or where they patrol, physical security enhances the protection of digital data. They cannot account for every issue – for example, they cannot remind every single employee to lock their car doors – but their visible presence at key locations can help deter potential criminals from making a move.
There are also other times where a security officer would make all the difference. For example, a frustrated employee may take their anger out on computer equipment or a coworker. A well-trained security officer can de-escalate the situation or restrain the employee, something that computers cannot do.
Digital Glitches and Oversights
The intersection of physical and digital security doesn’t end with protecting digital information. Many security systems incorporate digital tools to cover their bases. Surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and alarm systems are some of the best-known pieces of equipment.
But they aren’t foolproof. Systems can glitch, creating moments of opportunity for crime. System updates can come at inopportune times or reset important settings. A bad power outage and the backup generator not working can expose a business for hours.
A well-trained security officer would be able to identify these issues and help implement a solution. It may require coordinating with the electronic security company, or with their fellow guards to make sure everything is covered until the system is functioning again.
A Well-Trained Security Guard
A well-rounded security system looks at all avenues of potential attacks and proactively find ways to secure them. Even in today’s growing digital world, physical security plays a huge role in protecting people and assets.
Premium Investigations knows that an average security guard isn’t enough. Clients need exceptional security officers to truly be proactive. It’s why we created dynamic training courses for our security officers.
Learn more about our corporate security service here.
Learn more about our training academy here.